This week I had a rare full day to work on the baby quilt for my cousin. The pattern I'm working on didn't seem that difficult in concept, however, I am definitely having some struggles with getting things to line up. In hindsight, I probably should have been more diligent in trimming things. But hey, it's only my 2nd quilt and I'm having so much fun. And I'm guessing the baby isn't going to care if some things aren't lining up perfectly. :) Probably the best part of the day was laying out all … [Read more...]
Vintage Fabric Roundup 1
I have a huge passion for most things vintage. At one point, I had plans to start a vintage rentals company until that dream clashed with moving into a house with less than 200 square feet. So I sold most of my vintage stuff except for the vintage china in storage that I just couldn't part with. When I started quilting, I was drawn to many of the vintage quilt fabrics. In one of my thrift store trips, I decided to check out their fabric section and found quite a few fabrics I loved. I haven't … [Read more...]
WIP Wednesday: What’s next
Now that my first quilt is officially completed and delivered (she loved it btw!), I have two baby quilt plans in the works. The first one I'm going to work on is for my cousin's baby due in September! This baby is the first for the cousins so I'm extra excited... and they just found out it's a girl! I had a charm pack of Happy Go Lucky I purchased randomly and somehow realized I also purchased the mini charm pack of it. I seriously don't remember how I got these... fabric shopping with a glass … [Read more...]
My First Quilt!
I am so excited (and a bit overwhelmed) to be writing about the first quilt I've made. It is for my best friend who was married last year. I started working on it over a year ago. Since my machine is a little antiquated, I was nervous to machine quilt with it, so I decided hand stitching was the way to go. I was probably six months into hand stitching when I thought it might not have been the best choice. But the feeling I had when I finished made it worth it. I love that it is truly handmade. … [Read more...]
House Pillow
This is the first pillow I've sewn since I made a giant frog HST pillow in 7th grade home ec. All I remember is being tired of ironing, so maybe that's why it's taken me so long to make another one :) I really wanted to make a replica of my house in pillow form so I sketched out this design: It was the first time I had ever tried anything like this, and now that it is done, I would have pieced it differently. But I like how it ended up (pretty much). Here are a few images of when I was … [Read more...]
Exciting developments and an apology
Hey friends, Sorry for the weird password protected post last week. I didn't think that would go out to the public. Oops! The reason behind that post ties in to the exciting developments that have been going on. As some of you know, Mur and I have been dreaming and scheming of a way to build a house over near Leavenworth. There are so many factors that go into this type of project that I had been a little nervous to tell people about it. I'm still a little nervous... BUT it looks like things … [Read more...]