Hey there quilt along friends! This is the month where it all comes together! Time for quilt assembly! At this point we’ve sewn all the rows, so now it’s just a matter of putting them in order and sewing them together! There is an assembly diagram in the pattern to help you keep the order straight.
One thing I love about this pattern is nothing in the rows needs to line up as you assemble it! So it’s very forgiving as you put it together. I use a lot of pins and take it slow as I go.

I also decided to press the seams in my rows open to reduce the bulk, but you could also press to the dark side if you prefer.

Depending on your accuracy, the rows with the plus blocks might be a bit longer than the other rows. Mine were about 1/2″ longer, so I just centered the flying geese row and trimmed off the excess from the plus blocks (1/4″ on each end).

All of the other rows fit together without issue. Yay! I like to put the smaller rows together first, like the 1 1/2″ strips with the HSTs and flying geese and plus rows. Then attach those to the bigger rows, like the fair isle chain. Below you’ll see I’ve pinned some smaller rows I’ve put together to the top and the bottom of the fair isle chain to try to expedite the process.

It seems like just sewing a few rows together would be quick work, but I’ve found (both times) it took me a whole day between the pinning, stitching, and pressing. This quilt is deceptively big!

Can’t wait to see your finished quilt tops! Next month we’ll talk a little about quilting and wrap up the quilt along! I mentioned last month that there will be a final giveaway, so here are the details! Have a completed top finished by the end of next month (August) to be entered to win! First place will receive a $50 Etsy gift card!!! Second place will receive a small mystery prize pack from me with patterns, notions, and some fabric! Let’s get sewing!
Quilt Along Schedule:
(December 2022) PreQuilt Along – Planning fabrics. Ordering fabric.
(January 2022) Month 1 – Cutting and organizing fabrics
(February 2022) Month 2 – Sewing (Sections 1 + 2; Section 3 strip piecing)
(March 2022) Month 3 – Sewing (Section 3) Fair Isle Chain
(April 2022) Month 4 – Sewing (Section 4 + 5) Flying Geese and Plus blocks
(May 2022) Month 5 – Sewing (Section 6) Reindeer
(June 2022) Month 6 – Sewing (Section 7 + center assembly)
(July 2022) Month 7 – Quilt Top Assembly —-> YOU ARE HERE
Month 8 – Finishing (next month!)