This is going to be a personal post. I’ve never done one of these before, but life changing things need to be shared, right!? So grab your favorite bevie and get ready for some reading (I’m going with some wine, but I’ll wait until I finish writing so I don’t get all dramatic on it :)).
Since I left college (9ish years ago), I’ve done several jobs… high school teacher, children’s book editor, inventory management, software trainer, and technical writer. While none of these jobs are terrible in and of themselves, they just have nothing to do with my passions in life. Now, I understand that your job cannot always be a passion and sometimes turning passions into work is a mistake. However, I’m a big believer in doing what you need to in order to make your life what you want. And I feel like my calling has always been something else. So I’ve been working to make that happen.
I opened my photography business 6 years ago and worked on that full time on the side. It was definitely more towards what I was looking for in a career: owning my own business, being creative, etc. But it wasn’t IT. It wasn’t me… It was me trying as hard as I could to become something I just wasn’t. I felt drained, uninspired, and negative. I felt like I was losing my voice and my distinct point of view.
I wanted a change, but adult life stuff (like owning a house) kind of puts the breaks on leaving your jobs for some great unknown. I still don’t really know how it happened, but my husband agreed it was time for a change as well and agreed to build us a tiny house. It took about a year from starting to build to living in it full time. We rented out our big house and now live and work from our little place in the mountains. This gave us a little more freedom to start thinking about my next steps. But it seemed like life kept getting in the way… car and medical bills, family emergencies, and a bunch of small things. And there was always this little voice of doubt telling me I couldn’t make it without the security of working for someone else.
At some point you just have to believe in yourself and punch doubt in the face. You will never be totally ready and you will never have all the answers. There comes a point when doing things on the side is not good enough anymore. There comes a time when you are ready to throw everything you have into something and not look back. And that’s where I am…
A few weeks ago, I put in my notice at work and have stopped accepting new photography clients. This means that as of the 1st of the year I will not have a job. At the moment, it feels like I’m on a rollercoaster. I’m super excited and also terrified. My best friend tells me this is normal.
I am an entrepreneur at heart so I know I won’t be sitting down and twiddling my thumbs for long. I have a few ideas of what I want to do, but I am going to take some time and really explore for a bit.
I really don’t know where I’m headed, but I am full of hope and inspiration.
Thanks for reading and following me on my next adventure. You can bet this journey will inspire some new quilting projects 🙂
Now, what’s a good blog post without a little bit of sewing goodness…
I made these coasters for my best friend’s birthday over the weekend using scraps from my swoon blocks. I am in love with them and it was hard to give them up 🙂 But I still have a pile of HSTs waiting so I’ll make some more soon. I think they’d make cute stocking stuffers.
These look MARVELOUS! I am so honored you gifted them to me. My water cup is currently resting on one of the adorable quilted coasters. Rawr!
This next chapter in your life is going to be really exciting. There will be times of doubt and stress, but overall, you will be glad you took the leap. Nothing is more satisfying. No one on their death bed says, “I wish I would have kept a more secure job rather than pursuing my passion.”
You got this gurl! I know whatever you end up doing, it will be great.
YOU look marvelous! I’m so glad to hear you are already putting them to good use. 🙂 I wish I could have made you something more spectacular for your 30th, but I’ll just have to make up for it for your 31st!
Thanks for all of your encouragement during this year (years!?) of standing on the edge of the diving board. You are such an inspiration for me. Now I just need to put on my sassy pants and do this thing!
Also, I would still like to do some casual crafting with you 🙂
Yay for you! What you are doing takes guts and is totally admirable. The best of luck to you. I’m excited to follow along on the journey.
Thanks Sarah, I’m glad you’ll be following along 🙂
You go girl!! You are an inspiration. I hope to be able to do the same in about seven short years. (Well, I’ve been at this job for almost 19 years, so 7 really is short!)
And I love the coasters.
(I also love those tiny houses though being the packrat that I am, it would never work for me).
7 years will fly by I’m sure! That is exciting! I’m a HUGE packrat and
this change has really put a stop to that! haha. It is definitely
testing me daily 🙂 Someday, I hope to have my own office/studio so I
can collect more fabric!
Can’t wait to see what you do!
Thanks! 🙂
Huzzah! Congrats for doing what you want and what you need! I can’t wait to see where this journey takes you and i wish for nothing but the best for you!
I and totally understand the nerve wracking part of it all. I felt the same after having our second son and deciding to be a stay at home mom. Not having that cushion to fall back on can be scary!
Thanks so much for the encouragement and well wishes! It’s always nice to hear that other people have been in a similar situation and survived 🙂
I think your life will just open up, creatively and otherwise. Good for you for taking a brave and necessary step! I think you can make it. Golly I wish I was local to you so that I could get you to take gorgeous photos of my family–your photos are some of my favorites, and your styling is so bright and sweet and appealing. Best of luck!
Thank you so much Laura. I am really hoping that is true. And I would totally do family photos for you! Wish you were local to me as well. I could use a sewing buddy 🙂 But if you are ever in the northwest, hit me up!
That’s very exciting and a good move to make now, not in another 20 years time. I quit my paid job (teaching) in my mid twenties to pursue volunteer missions work. Very exciting times ahead. Your coasters look great too.
Sorry for the huge delay in replying. For some reason we had a really busy week leading up to Thanksgiving. But it’s been nice to have some time to relax after. That’s very encouraging to hear about your experience. I’m glad I have the opportunity to do this now and not wait. My goal is to make the best of it 🙂
i think it’s awesome you gave up your big house for a little house in the mountains! i’m always vacillating between downsizing and building bigger. 7 kids, you know! never enough room around here no matter how big it is. but really, little is simpler and that is good. big is just more room for messes and stuff I don’t need. but I still lean toward it. sigh. I never learn.
gosh, i’m excited to see what your new adventure is! and the quilting it inspires. I hope this new endeavor is compatible with the other changes you told me you were hoping for. =)
I can’t imagine space planning for 7 kids! I don’t know how you manage it all! I love piling up stuff, so this has been a wonderful exercise for me. We’ll probably live in a bigger house at some point if/when we have kids so I’m hoping some of these lessons stick!
Omg! I was having the same conversation with my husband – about being me and ‘not working’ (not in the social understanding of the term). This is inspiring – it will happen one day once I find where I want to be and how I will be able to make it sustainable. I would love to hear more about your venture!
Eeeek! That is awesome that you were just having this conversation with your husband. That’s where it starts! 🙂 I’ll definitely keep you posted once I figure everything out 🙂
Well I’m new to your blog and this is the first post I’ve read…but how inspiring! You put it so well. I look forward to following your journey and thanks for sharing.
Hi Susan, I’m so glad you found my blog. I absolutely love your work! It’s fun to look back at this post. It was definitely the starting point to an exciting journey! 🙂