Welcome to my new home on the web! I’m so excited to unveil it on my birthday! This will continue to be a place where I share my quilting projects, fabric wishlists, photography, and hopefully in the future some tutorials and original designs.
To celebrate my birthday and my new space, I thought it would be fun to host my first giveaway!!! For my birthday this year, I asked for fabric, fabric, and fabric (because I never seem to have enough, you know!?). So I thought I’d offer you the same gift!! However, as much time as I spend reading all of your blogs, I don’t know your current must-haves, so I’ll let you make that choice with a $25 Etsy gift card!!!
Giveaway details
To enter the giveaway, all you have to do is leave a comment on this blog post. I’d love to hear what fabric you’d buy with your gift card or you can just tell me happy birthday :). For a second chance to win, I’d love it if you’d follow me here via your favorite blog reader or rss feed. Leave me another comment that you did for your additional entry 🙂
If you use bloglovin, here’s a quick link to follow me…
If you’re having trouble commenting for any reason, drop me a line at mls.bartholomew [at] gmail and I’ll help you out.
Since I typically celebrate my birthday for an entire week, I’ll leave this giveaway open until next Friday. I’ll pick a winner at random on October 18th at noon (PST). I’ll announce the winner in a blog post on the 18th and notify the winner via email.
Good luck and thank you so much for checking out my new space. I’m off to get ready for an exciting birthday night at Oktoberfest (well, Leavenworth’s version of it :)) -Michelle
Happy birthday, Michelle! I love the look of the new site!
I definitely followed you with Bloglovin’!
Congrats on the new blog! It looks fantastic! And Happy Birthday.
Love the new blog! I’m thinking about a new look for my 1 year anniversary as well – its always fun to start a new project! Happy Birthday!
I followed you on Bloglovin!
Love your new blog Michelle (loved your old one too) and happy birthday! Late yesterday I received a fabric parcel with some of Tula Pink’s Acacia fabrics. I’d be very tempted to buy a little more or these or maybe something new-to-me.
My pleasure to follow you with bloglovin’.
I follow you now on bloglovin. Your new blog is just as nice. Congratulations!
Congrats! It looks great. Happy birthday and newblogday! 🙂
I follow on Bloglovin’!
Congratulations on making the leap! Your new site looks fantastic. (I LOVE the photo of you with the face and the hoop. It’s so distinctive and ZINGY.)
Happy birthday! Mine is in the middle of December so I am guilty of milking it all month, true story. 😉
I clicked the Bloglovin’ button and it says it worked. But I don’t trust Bloglovin’ so I’m heading over to double-check now. Don’t want to miss the happenings!
And i think it’s normal for most to milk if for a full week! (i know i do!)
Love the new site, looks fantastic! As for fabric, i would love to pick up some Tule, or more AMH anything, or Fort Firefly, oooh, or some texty prints, or some shot cottons (loving those right now!)… i could keep going, really, like all night, possibly into tomorrow afternoon… i’ll stop now…
And of course i’ll still be following along!… with bloglovin!
Happy Birthday week, hope it is a great one!
A girl can never have too much fabric, top of my current wish list is some of those fabulous Oakshott cottons 🙂
Congrats on your new website too.
Happy, happy birthweek.
I’m following you, but don’t worry, it’s not in a stalkerish kind of way. BTW, I love those shoes you’re wearing today… OOPS, I mean…. Bloglovin’, I’m following you on bloglovin’.
oh, happy birthday! and congrats on the new blog. fun, fun!
Happy Birthday!! Your site looks great! Hope Oktoberfest was a great celebration and that you found something deliciously sinful to drink (other than beer of course!)
A pleasure to follow you via Bloglovin!
Birthdays rock!! Hope yours is great 🙂
Happy Birthday! Found you via Lee’s Freshly Pieced linkup! I’m now following you on Bloglovin’ …..
I don’t know right off-hand which fabrics I would buy on Etsy, but I have definitely been on a fabric buying binge lately, and I love Etsy, so I promise I’d put it to very good use!!
Happy Birthday Week! I have been eying some fat 1/8th bundles at westwood acres lately, but haven’t decided which one I want most 🙂
Happy belated birthday!! Congratulations on your new blog and I love your header 🙂
I am a new follower on Bloglovin’ mostly because I want to see that picnic quilt finished 😉