This happy little blanket is done!
Yesterday was a crazy quilting day. It was my first time machine quilting and on my second row, my machine started doing weird unbalanced stitches. I would test it a few times on a practice quilt and it would be fine, but the second I started with this quilt it would be weird again.
So, I decided to try using my mother in law’s sewing machine (all the while getting a ton of practice on removing and adding a walking foot!). The stitches on her machine were nice and even and I was really excited and then I started to smell something weird… something like smoke… yep, the machine started smoking. So I put that machine outside (for some reason I convinced myself it might burst into flames), and put the walking foot back on my machine. I tightened the tension a bit and everything magically worked. It was a miracle.
I have to say it was a little bit different experience quilting something in a day, when my last project took a year to (hand) quilt. I loved the speed, but I do miss that handmade quality. I decided to stitch a little heart into the corner so at least something was not machine done.
I love the back! It’s hard to see from the picture, but the fabric is grey with white polka dots. It looks so cute with the yellow and white striped binding.
My mom will be delivering the quilt to my cousin next week. I’m so excited and I hope the baby (due in September!) will have some good tummy time on it.
Pretty fabulous for a second quilt! It’s really beautiful!
Thanks Diane!
I love this quilt! Is it your own design or is there a pattern or block tutorial?
Thanks! I followed this awesome quilt along….